Part A.
It involves a series of internationally standardized psychometric evaluations and psychological questionnaires developed by our own experts to find not just the Genius but Vulnerable children as well.
For children above the age of eleven, these questionnaires are online on our website
With the help of following methods, our team identifies the Genius & the Vulnerable children in various criterias below the age of 11







Part B.
It involves the collection of various evaluation results, compiling the data of all results and reporting our findings to the head of the institution, including the names of those who require immediate attention as well as the names those who may be in the ‘red ‘or danger zone. The children who have been found to have any area of concern are provided personalized counselling which remains discreet, along with those who wish to come for the individual sessions.
Based on the broad pattern which emerges from the institution after evaluation, CatFit motivational speakers (from the London Speakers Bureau, Tedx and Josh Talks), armed forces experts, senior corporate leaders, psychologists and counsellors conduct sessions and seminars for the institution on the required topics. E.g Handling peer pressure, time management, mental toughening exercises on lines of (M.A.S.T.S). NLP training is conducted as well as handling all issues on which children were tested, are addressed in open sessions within the institution’s premises.

Part C.
Training the Mentors sessions for junior and senior wing teachers is conducted so that they can identify vulnerable children and also be taught the way they can support children from a counsellor’s perspective.
Some do’s and don’ts on the modern pattern for teachers are also addressed in the sessions under the “Teach The Mentors” program.
CatFit mental and psychological trainers, provide round the year online support to children and teachers who approach us from your institution.
We have had tremendous success in schools and colleges. We have been across India and have managed to identify and address issues in children before they could turn into major problems.
We also have the distinction to empower children with a history of mental disorders (tendencies of suicide, depression, psychiatric problems, multiple pressures), who have proven themselves as an asset to the society by being confident individuals with our training and sessions.